And We’re Off!!!
June 13, 2014 in 2014 FIFA World Cup - Security Update
As predicted, the most controversial issues in Brazil were on the pitch, and for England in Manaus, the pitch itself! Last night’s match in Sao Paulo did see some small scale activity by protestors, and even included an injury (potentially), you can watch the clip here:
CNN crew hurt in World Cup protests
You’ll note in the report, the reporter is 11km away from the stadium attending a protest (mistake #1), standing within metres of riot police (mistake #2), and has protective equipment she’s not wearing (mistake #3). As noted in yesterday’s post, security services will be out in force and will be quick to respond to violence in order to make the tournament enjoyable for those who wish to enjoy it. We suggest avoiding hotspots, keeping a close eye on crowd dynamics and walking away at the first sign of trouble.
Today’s fixtures are in Natal, Salvador, and Cuiaba. None of these city’s are known for violent uprisings however, both Salvador and Cuiaba have the dubious honour making a UN list of the 50 most violent cities (by murder rate). There are also 5 American cities on the list and no one is changing there plans to visit New Orleans because it’s ranking. Expect to see similar security presence around venues today with police cordons preventing potential protestors from interfering in events and keeping them away from spectators.
Remember to familiarise yourself with the area you’re staying, routes to and from matches, and have emergency numbers in your phone. It’s is also advised know some basic Portuguese phrases to ask for directions or help when required.