Crisis Management
Crisis Management Case Study #1
A terrorist group attempted to extort money from a Fortune 500 company with threats of violence to staff and customers. Our people deployed immediately and were with the client within 24 hrs. Our control room provided advice while our consultants were in transit. Once embedded with the client we established a crisis management team of key appointments working at gold, silver and bronze levels. Concurrent activities included the negotiation with the extortionist, a security plan to protect the company and customers and an investigation into the adversary. No extortion monies were paid, the extortionist was identified and an arrest resulted.
Crisis Management Case Study #2
An employee of a client in the extractive sector was ambushed at an illegal checkpoint by unknown gunmen and suffered a gunshot wound. MS Risk was contacted and provided immediate advice to the client to ensure the safety of personnel and simultaneously deployed a team of consultants to conduct security review and risk assessment of all client operating areas in the region. We identified the nature of the threat and assisted the client in adapting operations to mitigate future threats in this region.
Crisis Management Case Study #3
When a team of international journalists met with militants in a territory in the Far East they were not expecting to be taken captive… but they were. While they were threatened with physical harm and death, their families and employers were subjected to immense pressure threats unless a ransom payment was agreed and delivered. Regional government involvement and a wider ongoing conflict complicated the situation further and made for perilous conditions all around. We were appointed early into the case and were able to discern the true nature of the demands and construct useful dialogue with the adversary. We were able demonstrate professional and practical methodology to gain the trust of local government and law enforcement and ensure their actions did not disrupt or damage our negotiations while giving confidence that our actions would not be irresponsible or cause embarrassment. In a series of set phases in the life of the case we obtained the safe release of every single one of the hostages from a notorious and violent criminal group. Our approach set a framework to ensure the safety of captives while permitting pragmatic dialogue to play out. When release and repatriation of the victims occurred our consultants ensured a seamless move to safety for medical assistance, debriefing and reuniting with loved ones. At all times our actions managed expectations and sought the safe and timely conclusion of the incident.
Exploration & Mining
Exploration & Mining Case Study #1
A natural resources project in the Middle East was preparing to become fully operational. Given the location and history of the region they experienced difficulty in attracting affordable full insurance species. Our consultants reviewed the project and completed an assessment on the security model for the project which enabled the client to allay insurer concerns and complete the project effectively.
Exploration & Mining Case Study #2
A mining junior in Europe experienced violence at one of their critical gold mining sites which halted operations. MS Risk consultants made contact with the protestors as part of an undercover operation. We gained their trust and effectively penetrated the decision making cycle of the protestors. This intelligence program drove the overall security model for the client and permitted them to re-open the mine while establishing a hearts and minds project to reduce tensions and create better harmony with the local population.
Energy & Infrastructure
Energy & Infrastructure Case Study #1
An international construction group recognised that their approach to managing security was not as cohesive as they thought it could be. We reviewed their business and delivered a holistic control framework to manage their operations. This included a suite of controls, risk based options, training and procedures for mitigating security issues. This streamlined their operation, reduced losses, improved the procurement process, improved controls and enabled any investments in security to be sensible and risk driven.
Energy & Infrastructure Case Study #2
A nuclear power company was concerned with their security posture and the results of a security review by regulators. Our nuclear security consultants were employed to provide interim management at the site and provided training programs to upskill local managers. The result was an improved security situation which satisfied regulatory demands and allayed management concerns.
Maritime Operations
Maritime Operations Case Study #1
Very expensive maritime infrastructure was being transported through the volatile Gulf of Aden region. The client was worried about the risk posed by Somali based pirates given the slow moving nature of the vessel and its high value. We deployed an armed security team to embark the vessel in a friendly port and safeguarded the asset until it was clear of the danger zone and then disembarked out team. This was done legally and professionally and satisfied insurance and governance expectations with the client organisation. We worked closely with the flag state authorities, port agents, port authorities, insurers and military agencies in theatre. Our team consisted of former Royal Marine Commandos with direct experience of Somali counter-pirate operations. The task completed without incident and on schedule and budget.
Maritime Operations Case Study #2
When a vessel was hijacked by pirates our people were appointed by insurers to assist the ship owners. We carried out a protracted negotiation with the pirate gang and gained the safe release of the crew, vessel and cargo. This was compliant to conditions set out by the US Office of Foreign Asset Control and the Presidential Executive Order pertaining to Somali piracy.
Maritime Operations Case Study #3
We were engaged to conduct a comprehensive enterprise risk review of a leading international port and terminal facility. This review included determining terrorist, criminal and security threats as well as conducting a complete ISPS compliance check and establishing an anti-piracy program in concert with national military and law enforcement authorities working in a private-public partnership arrangement. This holistic approach was entwined with the facility’s insurers to obtain additional coverage and premium benefits.
Fraud & Internal Security
Fraud & Internal Security Case Study #1
An international consortium contracted MS Risk personnel to counter the impacts of intellectual property crime they were experiencing. This project resulted in our people moving into an active war zone to chase leads and define the true level of sophistication of the criminals. Our consultants located the factories, shipping routes and obtained samples of the counterfeited products. We were also able to link the proceeds of these crimes to an insurgent organisation which also was of interest to government authorities.
Fraud & Internal Security Case Study #2
A logistics business uncovered serious fraud and other security failings in their operation. MS Risk consultants defined the extent of the problem and discovered the client’s security contractors were at fault. The contractor was removed from the project and we oversaw the competitive tendering process to find an appropriate supplier. We implemented a service level agreement for the client with transparent key performance indicators and a process for improved management of the security supplier.
Fraud & Internal Security Case Study #3
A multi-national company was approached for a protection payment by a suspected terrorist group in a conflict zone. Our consultants were appointed as advisors and led the security planning, investigation and negotiations concurrently. The increased security posture ensured the safety of the client company employees, the negotiation process bought time and gained valuable intelligence and the investigation resulted in the capture of the would-be extortionist. No loss was suffered by our client.
Hotel & Hospitality
Hotel & Hospitality Case Study #1
An international brand in the hospitality industry suffered a serious terrorist attack resulting in several fatalities. In the wake of this tragedy, they discovered their insurance underwriters intended to suspend their terrorism insurance policy going forward. Our consultants performed a risk assessment across the client’s business. We looked at areas such as the client’s capability to monitor tensions, manage a proportionate security effort and deter further attacks. Following the assessment by our team, the company was able to reverse the view of their insurers and terrorism insurance was reinstated.