Security Advisory: Cote d’Ivoire (13 January 2017)
January 13, 2017 in Ivory Coast
Executive Summary
Gunfire erupted on Friday 13 January in Cote d’Ivoire’s second largest city, Bouake, ahead of talks between the Defense Minister and disgruntled soldiers who staged a two-day mutiny last week (6 – 7 January). A witness at the scene has reported that the shooting broke out near the cultural centre, where the leaders of the mutineers were due to meet with Defense Minister Alain-Richard Donwahi, during a protest by Bouake residents against the revolt. It has been reported that soldiers began firing in the air during the protest and at least 100 heavily armed mutineers then poured into the city centre aboard pickups, military transport trucks and other vehicles. So far there have been no reports of any injuries or deaths.
Security Advisory
Violence appears to have erupted again in Bouake and it may spread further across the country. In order to prepare for civil disorder we recommend the following immediate action:
- Have a weeks supply of life support, including fuel
- Keep vehicles out of site in repair shops and stripped of valuables
- Be prepared to hand over vehicles if forced
- Keep a manifest of all staff and report daily
- Book all staff off site and back daily
- Do not go out before 0900 and be back by 1500 to avoid peak traffic and obvious car jacking times
- Ensure all staff have adequate air time and have emergency numbers and control post numbers to hand
- Establish a Duty Manager roster so that there is always a responder ready
- Email all movements to a central point so that there is a running record
- You should expect to see increased government forces traffic and presence if tensions increase
MS Risk continues to closely monitor the situation in Cote d’Ivoire and we will issue further bulletins as more information becomes available.