Notwithstanding our strong links to the financial and insurance sectors and the quietly effective nature of our work, MS Risk boasts satellite offices and an intrinsic network of consultants in other countries to support all types of assignments. We also provide our clients a multi-lingual 24/7 reporting centre to receive instant advice and to report serious incidents.
Trusted Experience
Our consultants are selected not just because of what they used to do – be it military, law enforcement, intelligence or commercial in nature; they are selected because of what they do now. Their capability, competence and suitability to the task are carefully determined before every assignment. They are supported by our leadership, analysts, researchers, our control room and global network. We do not employ trainees.
MS Risk consultants have managed the commercial effects of armed conflict, terrorism, and organised crime as well as the impacts of known and unknown loss in more stable business jurisdictions. No matter the threat type, we provide a risk based approach to mitigation and seek to define the security risk function as a profit centre for the client whenever feasible.
Client relationships are central to our success. No one tries harder for clients. Why don’t you engage us and find out?
Global Reach