MS Risk identifies, mitigates and reduces security risk to protect client assets, their customers, employees and reputation. The need to protect assets, staff and reputation is a major concern to companies across the world. In light of increased global terrorist and criminal activity and the associated effects on business, security should be on the agenda of corporates and small companies alike.
Despite the growing problems, the issue of security is often offloaded to managers who are not experienced in such matters and often don’t know where their main security issues lie. As a business function, security is often viewed in isolation to other functions which is a missed opportunity to make it more relevant to the organisation it serves.
Internal and external risks are often complicated to assess and are not confined to terrorism and the threat of external forces; in fact companies face issues of security from their staff, suppliers, customers and operating environment. Many organisations either do not have a dedicated Director of Security or the scope of the security function may be limited.
How can we help you?
MS Risk is a modern corporate security risk practice. Our services cover all aspects of security, loss prevention and risk management. We help make security in your organisation relevant, risk based, efficient, and we maximise its contribution to your core business activity. Our international consultant network enables us to provide support domestically and abroad with local knowledge and proportionate best practice for your operating environment and business sector.
Our Approach
Our proactive approach utilises innovative techniques for assessing risk and managing security issues. Many of our consultants are experienced former law enforcement and military professionals but we employ them for their additional commercial experience and business acumen. Every client relationship is special to us, director-led and assisted by consultants with relevant industry knowledge and experience. We are a signatory of the International Code of Conduct and comply with a range of client expectations including the UK & Manx Bribery Acts, US Foreign & Corrupt Practices Act, UN Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and Equator Principles wherever required, among other regulations and guidelines.
Our consultants combine integrity, competence and practical experience gained within a broad range of commercial trade sectors. MS Risk is mentored by an independent advisory panel of multi-disciplined strategists who provide essential guidance to ensure we remain leading edge and holistic in our activities and outlook. We also listen to our clients and meet regularly to share developments and ensure that we remain a value-add to their business.
Company Bio – offshore but on target
MS Risk is an Isle of Man company. Discretion is our watchword. We are also in a unique position directly aligned to and working in close concert with the global specialist risk insurance markets of Lloyds of London, financiers and the legal profession.
Our principals have worked in the commercial security field for twenty years. Their experience includes protecting and advising client sectors such as financial services, energy and mining, marine, infrastructure, construction and engineering, hospitality, retail and supply chain. This work has been completed around the globe and in all types of operating environments.
Our clients include financial institutions, insurance companies, multinational companies, small and medium sized enterprises, the legal profession, private equity, hedge funds and high net worth individuals. We also work for government departments and non-governmental organisations.